Estate and Trust Planning


Estate and Trust Planning and Tax Preparation are complex, and shifting matters that can be difficult to navigate. Fortunately, HHA Accounting with locations in Colorado, Florida, Illinois, and Wisconsin specializes in helping individuals and businesses navigate these complexities, ensuring the smooth transfer of assets and minimizing tax liability. Everyone must have a plan in place to ensure that their loved ones don't have to worry about complicated paperwork or unexpected taxes at a time of loss. With effective trust and estate planning, you can ensure that your wishes are carried out and that your loved ones are financially secure. Contact us today to get started!

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Assessing Assets

If you're starting to plan your estate and trust, the first step is assessing your assets. This includes investments, real estate, businesses, and any other properties you own. It's crucial to have an accurate and up-to-date assessment of your assets to ensure that your wishes are fulfilled. Our team of CPAs can help you through this process and provide you with the most accurate assessment of your assets. With our help, you can ensure that your estate and trust planning is done right.

Drafting A Will

At HHA Accounting, we understand how important it is to ensure that your wishes for the distribution of your estate and trust are legally binding and will be upheld in court. That's why our experienced CPAs can help you draft a tailored will that meets your specific needs. A will is a crucial legal document that outlines your wishes for how your property, assets, and other possessions should be distributed after your death. It should be drafted with the assistance of a lawyer or CPA. The next step in estate and trust planning is to draft a will — and we're here to help.

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Naming Beneficiaries

Once you have drafted your will, naming beneficiaries is essential. Beneficiaries are the individuals or entities to whom you wish to leave your assets, and it is important to define each one clearly. Our team of CPAs can help you make sure that your beneficiaries are correctly identified and that their rights are protected in the will. We know how important it is to ensure that beneficiaries can enjoy the benefits of your assets, so let us help you make sure that your beneficiaries are correctly named and that their rights are safeguarded.

Setting Up A Trust

The final step in estate and trust planning is setting up a trust. A trust is a legal entity that holds assets and is used to manage them for the benefit of others. It can be used for various reasons, such as managing assets for minor children or tax planning. Our team of certified accountants can help you set up your trust and provide guidance and advice on managing your assets. With the help of our experienced professionals, you can be sure that your assets are in good hands.

Estate and trust planning is a critical part of financial planning. At HHA Accounting in Colorado, Florida, Illinois, and Wisconsin, our team of CPA-certified public accountants is experienced in helping our clients plan for their future. We understand the complexities of estate and trust planning and can help you assess assets, draft a will, name beneficiaries, and set up a trust. Contact us today to learn more about our estate and trust planning services.

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